Ways to Sponsor Mansfield Readers and Writers

A festival to celebrate storytelling in all its forms, and attract visitors from all over Australia

Festival dates: 11 & 12 October 2025

Keen to know more? Contact Belinda

Email: mansfieldreadersandwriters@gmail.com

Why sponsor?

As well as supporting creative life in our community and contributing to wellbeing and positive mental health, there are real business benefits to sponsoring our festival. Reach a local, state and national audience whose values align with yours, raise your profile and benefit from product and service placement that you simply don’t have access to in your regular marketing.

Tailored packages

If you’d like to sponsor the festival, we’ll work with you to tailor a benefits package that aligns with your business’s marketing needs. Whether it’s your pull up banners on stage, banner advertising on our virtual events and digital content, or even naming rights, we can build something bespoke for you that helps get your brand in front of new and existing customers and shine a spotlight on what your business offers.